Fellowships and Awards
Scholar In Residence, Center for Mark Twain Studies, May 2018
Faculty co-chair, Gloria S. Duclos Convocation: “Race and Participatory Democracy ($70,000), 2017-18
Maine Economic Improvement Fund Grant ($500,000), 2016
Center for Collaboration and Development’s Faculty Interest Group Grant, 2016
Weixlmann Prize, Honorable Mention, African American Review, 2015
Core Curriculum Service-Learning Mini-Grant, University of Southern Maine, 2015
Title III Mini-Grant, University of Southern Maine, 2014
Faulkner Paper Prize, William Faulkner Society, 2013
Dissertation Fellowship, UConn English Department, 2013
Pre-doctoral Fellowship, UConn English Department, 2012
Summer Dissertation Fellowship, UConn English Department, 2011
Summer Dissertation Fellowship, UConn Graduate School, 2010
Aetna Graduate Student Teaching Award, UConn English Department, 2010
Robert H. Elias Graduate Essay Prize, International Theodore Dreiser Society, 2009